
This web page is an effort to preserve the history of the Battle of Plattsburg Missouri, which was fought on July 21, 1864. Perhaps it was more of a skirmish rather than any type of battle most likely didn't make much difference in the overall war. However it was fought right here in North West Missouri and it was our fight! Our small connection to a war that cost so much and which still echoes today all these years later!
It’s important that the basic history of the battle be preserved so that it will not be lost. That is what this web page is attempting to do. Unfortunately there is not a whole lot of information that still exist on the battle of Plattsburg and it has taken years of digging just to uncover what we do have. There is no museum or monument marking the scene of the fight. All that remains are a few interested locals who have attempted to keep the story of the fight alive through research & a handful of Reenactment events. In fact this very website was originally the event website for the 150th anniversary reenactment but has been re-worked in order to preserve the history of that original 1864 fight, instead of simply being taken down and lost forever.

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​​ 1864  Battle  of  Plattsburg  MO.
​​​​​​​​​​History of the fight & Web Museum
                                 Preservation Through Knowledge Shared
Home / Historical Battle / Units Involved / Web Museum / Muster Rolls